Since this blog has become for me a personal pregnancy journal of sorts, I feel obligated to report all significant developments truthfully and timely. And with a bit of humor, whenever possible. It’s my diary after all. It just happens to have a public audience.
So consider yourselves forewarned: if the rest of the third trimester continues anything like the first day of it did, there’s a great deal of TMI to come. Really, I won’t be offended if page views drop off in the coming days and weeks.
Rather than easing in or sugar coating things, let me just rip the band-aid right off: yesterday I discovered my mammaries have all of a sudden become more than just sexy tatas. They’ve started leaking.
Or working, I guess, is the more appropriate phrase?
Imagine my surprise, when, after getting out of the shower and drying off, a little pressure to the boob made my right nipple drip. At first I thought maybe I just missed a spot with the towel, but further examination and manipulation (I’m sooo glad I was home alone and there are no cameras in the bathroom) proved that nope, it wasn’t water. Apparently it’s colostrum (pre-milk), and it’s perfectly normal.
Normal, but disturbing and shocking, nonetheless.
For Brian as well, who seems utterly confused with what to think of this development. Confused and a little grossed out.
My 28-week appointment with CRNP Pat is tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully I'll have more news tomorrow.
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