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Friday, January 8, 2010

Sir Yams-a-lot

I'm not sure what is going on, but Cayden sure is spitting up a lot lately. But apparently only when he's with me, unless the babysitting Grammas are sneakily washing his yammed up clothes and then redressing him before I see him. So I wonder if he's snuggling in for cuddles, but overeating in his snug contentment.

But he is a "happy spitter" -- i.e., not in pain or fussing when he yams -- so there's nothing to worry about other than more frequent loads of laundry. Today he got himself (changed outfits by 10 a.m.), all over my sweatshirt, spots of his playmat and the seat and plastic toys of his jumperoo.

OK, that last one was partly my fault. But lesson learned: don't put a baby who just gorged himself at the boob into a jumperoo.

And since we haven't had any photos in a while, here are a couple, showing off the new kitchen countertops, sink and faucet. Because Daddy spent way, way too much on the faucet, but justified it by saying what a nice bath it would provide for Cayden. I told him Shorty's $18.99 plastic tub works just fine, but then figured -- eh, what the heck; I'll bathe him in the new sink with the really expensive faucet.

And our other home improvement project is almost done. I can't wait to get all my photos up, if Costco could get the order right.

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