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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Apparently craving white bread dipped in ranch dressing is an early sign of pregnancy, after all...

July 22, 2009. That's the estimated due date, which puts me (Liz again) at 10 weeks pregnant (of a 40 week count) and the tadpole at 8 weeks of development.

Oh, and just one baby. Whew. :)

So, what does the math tell us? First of all, it means I took my October 26 POAS test too early for the hormone levels to appear. Secondly, it means the time that took was sometime in mid-October. And it also means that I was pregnant during our trip to Jim Thorpe, when I suddenly had crazy food cravings (a la the title of this post) and hunger like a lion. Finally, it means I'm one-quarter of the way through this pregnancy, and I didn't even know I was pregnant until two weeks ago!
And now for some more exciting stuff. We got eight ultrasound pictures, and although I can't really identify much in the print outs, we did see the head and body on the screen in the doc's office. And the yolk sak, and the umbillical cord.

In this one, the head is pointing down and to the right. And at the bottom you may be able to make out 14.8mm and 8W 0D, the size and age of tadpole.

And we got to see and hear the heartbeat. Twice. Wasn't expecting that, so it was surreal. Really overwhelming. But tadpole's heart was beating at 163 and 168 beats per minute. Amy said anything over 120 bpm is good, so tadpole seems to be doing fine at this point.

The heartbeat we heard is pictured in this one, at the bottom. It's hard to make out in this picture of the picture, but under the illustration of the heartbeat it says FHR = 163bpm.

Next appointment will be at the med center in early January for first trimester screening and another ultrasound to verify the EDD. Then after that, I'm scheduled for check-ups Jan. 22 (with CRNP Amy again), March 9 (with Dr. Carie D'Agata), April 21 (with Dr. Rae Kennedy) and May 5 (again, with Dr. Kennedy).

And now for some random thoughts that have run through my head in the past hour or so, assuming everything goes as planned for the next 30 weeks or so:

1.) Sorry, Nicole, but it looks like I'll be pretty big at the wedding. Mental note: order the dress or material to accommodate another 25 pounds.

2.) Our 4th anniversary pics with the veils will probably turn out pretty cool, what with the belly and everything. Mental note: schedule July photo session with Scott Church in a few months.

3.) Speaking of anniversary, it's is less than a week apart from the EDD.

4.) We're definitely not going to be able to make the family beach trip this year.

5.) Looks like we're on about the same schedule as Brett and Lynn were, a year later.

6.) So that means Max will be two years older than tadpole, and Avery will be one year older.

FYI, the first time we'll be able to check boy/girl status will be at the March 9 appointment.

Oh, and anyone interested in a delivery date/time pool? Friendly wagers anyone?

1 comment:

nicole said...

Holy crap, 10 weeks!?!?! And, I'm loving the affectionately named "tadpole!" This is just too damn exciting! I'm so happy for you guys!!! Huge at the wedding is fine by me!! At that stage in the game, I just want you to be as comfortable as possible! :)