Word is starting to spread around the office, although I'm still waiting for that perfect opportunity to share the news with coworkers directly.
The good news of late is that my boss and the top-boss at Revenue reviewed my proposed plan for maternity leave, and they're fine with it. Now we're trying to figure out how to present the plan to the Gov's office, and we're hoping and praying the top-boss over there approves it. Not the Gov, that is (he will likely never know who I am or that I'm pregnant), but one of his staff. The plan is for me to take three months off paid leave (sick for the first two, annual/personal for the third), followed by nine months of a part-time, three-day-a-week work schedule, until the baby's first birthday. I was pleasantly surprised to find out how flexible Revenue is in allowing part-time schedules for parental leave, and I'm excited to (hopefully) stretch my time off with the baby over the course of the whole first year, rather than all up front. Hmmm, four day weekends every week for nine months. :) And even better, Revenue won't change my employee classification for that nine-month span, so I'll still have all my health benefits at no extra cost. Yippee!!
Add to that the fact that we may be able to swing the entire first year without having to pay for daycare (a couple of very generous family members have tentatively volunteered for regular babysitting duties *thank you, thank you, thank you*), and everything is coming up roses, so far!
So, keep your fingers crossed that we get through this last level of approval without any issues...
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